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Spread Laughter to Bring More Happiness

Monika Roth, Laughter Ambassador, Germany: Laughter Yoga really helped to change my perspective towards life and people. It has motivated me to spread the word of laughter and bring more happiness and joy into the lives of people..

Laughter Yoga Helps Seniors Age Care Homes

It has been proven that Laughter Yoga is an ideal exercise for the elderly as one does not need any cognitive abilities to laugh. It combines simulated laughter exercises with deep breathing and clapping, which is very easy for seniors to follow...

Laughter Yoga for Great Abs!

It has been proven that just 10 minutes of Laughter Yoga provides the same physical benefits as jogging for 30 minutes on a treadmill! So why go through tedious exercises when you can laugh and have great abs! Watch this interesting video, where ..

Laughing In the face of MS!

Having multiple sclerosis is no laughing matter. However, that does not mean laughter does not have a place in dealing with MS. In fact, Laughter Yoga for multiple sclerosis may be just the ideal medicine with no side effects!

In this hig..

Now Laughter Yoga on Radio!

So far, we’ve seen Laughter Yoga on TV, joined the sessions on telephone and Skype, but now we even have it on the radio! Certified Laughter Yoga teacher Sue Haswell recently led an on-air Laughter Yoga radio session at the Babbacombe Theatre, To..

A Picture of Happiness!

Here’s an interesting story of photographer Alec Soth, who after 25 years of taking pictures felt a distance between himself and his subjects. There was a certain kind of separation, sadness and detachment which reflected in his photos, and this ..

Vancouver Declares Day of Laughter

May or Greg or Robertson of Vancouver has proclaimed July 13th, 2017 as the official ‘Day of Laughter’ in honour of visiting Chinese artist Yue Minjun. The free event will start at 10:00 am at Morton Park and will include an afternoon session of ..

Laughter Helped Me Cope With Bowel Cancer

Ros Ben-Moshe: When I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at 42, I was devastated and wanted to cry. But being a laughter therapist I knew somehow laughter would be an integral part of my healing and recovery. Believe me, it was not ..

Laughter Yoga-Ideal Exercise To De-stress Youngsters

This summer, youngsters in Nagpur have decided to indulge in a season of fitness with various stress busting exercises, which includes Laughter Yoga. It has scientifically been proven that Laughter Yoga is a great method to de-stress youngsters s..

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