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Laughter - A Great Healing Mechanism

Laughter Lines’ are fast becoming a rage in the UK as part of the laughter therapy which is Britain’s latest and most unusual alternative remedy. The aim of telephonic laughter is the same as that of the original Laught..

Laughter Yoga Good For Eyes!

Laughter Yoga is an excellent exercise for maintaining good eyesight and relaxing the eye muscles. Doing simple laughter exercises can relax and heal the body and even help to restore the eyesight the natural way. Laugh..

Laughter Yoga At Toastmasters

Kishore Adikar, Bangalore: I work for an IT company based in Los Angles and my work involves working for USA clients on installation, upgrades and maintenance of production databases, which involves lot..

Seniors In Poland Laugh For Good Health

Piotr Bielski, CLYT: Following my mission of sharing more love and laughter in Poland, I offer free Laughter Yoga sessions in places where people believe it is impossible to laugh - such as prisons, clo..

Laughter Yoga In Perth

With growing focus on health and wellbeing, Laughter Yoga has found its way to Perth as more and more people are becoming aware that it is the best medicine for release of stress; it awakens your body with endorphins an..

Laughter Connects People Worldwide

A very successful cross cultural Laughter Yoga workshop was recently conducted by Australian Laughter Teacher Susan Dustin with Jose Antonio in Agoda, Bangkok. The participants had an amazing time with a truly dynamic, ..

Laughter Yoga In Houston

Lainie Diamond is dedicated to spreading the word of Laughter Yoga and its many physical and psychological benefits to the people of Houston. Her range of clients includes non-profit and corporate clients like Jung Cent..

Laughter In Yoga Class For Good Health

Cindy Brown, a psychotherapist and yoga instructor, brought Laughter Yoga to Westford, MA, about 2 1/2 years ago and has been holding free classes ever since. Brown first learned about Laughter Yoga while taking a cours..

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