Laughter Yoga Good For Eyes!


Laughter Yoga is an excellent exercise for maintaining good eyesight and relaxing the eye muscles. Doing simple laughter exercises can relax and heal the body and even help to restore the eyesight the natural way. Laughter Yoga teacher Elvie Estavillo says that deep breathing, which is an integral part of Laughter Yoga is instrumental in improving one’s eyesight.

Read the following story of how Elvie incorporated laughter while doing her eyesight therapy to get back her vision to normal:

Elvie Punzalan-Estavillo: Participants in the Laughter Yoga sessions I conducted are surprised no end when I share tips on how I regained my eyesight – the natural way. Yes, siree! My vision is back to normal through some eyesight therapy that I did relentlessly, continuously, relaxingly and laughingly. They cheerfully applauded when told how from two pairs of eyeglasses: one for distance, and one for reading, I liberated myself from them the natural way. The visibly-happy participants said it was their first time to learn about eyesight therapy to improve vision. To help participants improve their eyesight, I incorporated few minutes of palming with deep breathing every Laughter Yoga session, and participants unanimously claim: they see things clearer and better after.

“In life, nothing happens by chance. Such was the case with the spell of dizziness I excruciatingly experienced in November, 2002. After undergoing the usual chart reading routine, to my dismay, I was advised to wear distance eyeglasses. Already reeling from the discomfort of using reading eyeglasses, I shuddered at the thought of having to wear another pair of eyeglasses. For vanity’s sake, I opted for contact lenses, but, it took me a good 45 minutes to put them on myself, leaving my eyelids and eyebrows all red and bruised. I went to the optical shop every day, during my first week of wearing contact lenses where someone puts them on me. I tried my best to do it on my own till I gave up. Not used to depending on someone for something as vital as my eyesight, and with my sense of helplessness starting to creep in, I vowed to do something about the situation. Like a ray of morning sunlight, the ad of Jelly Virata about restoring eyesight the natural way just surfaced. Wholeheartedly convinced during the orientation about Jelly’s way, I gave it a try. The amazingly simple, practical techniques, tips and exercises discussed on the first day of the seven-week personalized seminar further convinced me. Challenged, I discarded my distance eyeglasses on the first day, and resolved never to use them again. And gratefully happy I did!

After the second session and strictly following what were taught, I took another giant leap. I went back to the optical shop and had the lenses of my eyeglasses downgraded. From a high grade of 375, it was down to 200-grade reading glasses. The distant eyeglasses were totally eliminated. To help my eyes I read without eyeglasses and did the eyes therapy religiously under natural light, for achieving normal vision by year-end was my self-avowed goal.

Like a child enjoying a new toy, I eagerly looked forward to the two-and-a-half hour session as the eyes therapy considerably relaxed my eyes. And as my eyes got relaxed, so did my whole being. They were really basic and simple, but when done consistently and correctly can improve our eyesight, possibly restore it to normalcy.

Below are some of them; which you may do:

1) Shifting: Our eyes must shift from one object to another, from a small to bigger space. The wider and farther our eyes can orbit around, the better. Avoid staring; it is detrimental to the eyes.

2) Breathing from your abdomen: It is the proper way of breathing as it relaxes the entire body -- as the body gets relaxed, so do our eyeballs.

3) Blinking as soft as the wings of a butterfly: Done every two-three seconds, this washes out the toxins that have accumulated in our eyes. Notice that when done regularly, the eyes get watery, a good sign that the eyes are being purified of unwanted toxins.

The above eye exercises can make reading easy and increase mental clarity at work and leisure. It can restore the eyes’ three-dimensional vision and regain proper depth and spatial perceptions and develop one’s creative imagination and capacity for colorful expression while balancing right and left hemispheres.

While doing this therapy, just remember to do the palming only when the body is relaxed, not stressed. Otherwise, stress from our bodies will only be transmitted to our eyes! When encountering difficulty in reading words and numbers, close your eyes momentarily, breathe deeply, open your eyes, and say “wow,” More importantly, do the palming and deep breathing regularly for 40 minutes daily, which can be divided during your waking time. Laugh to relax -- to heal our bodies, to restore our eyesight, and enjoy looking at the marvelous beauty of the world around you – the natural way.