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Laughter Yoga Brings People Together

A wave of Laughter Yoga workshops are now taking place all over the United Kingdom, including in Huddersfield. Originating from India, this unique concept of laughing without any reason is helping to bring more laughter and joy into the lives of ..

Noida Seniors Lead Laughter Campaign

A group of 16 elderly members of Noida Laughter Club recently enlivened the Happy Streets campaign held in Noida. The senior citizens performed exercise routines and laughed out loud during the entire program, explaining to onlookers how laughing..

Laughter Yoga Changes People For The Better

It is now an established fact that Laughter Yoga reduces one’s negative response to stress and conflict-triggers and promotes feelings of happiness and wellbeing. It helps cope with challenges and conflict better because it gives us a better pers..

Laugh Using Puppetry & Ventriloquism

Here is an inspirational and novel idea of using puppetry and ventriloquism to help people heal their inner wounds. Paolo Trinidad, promoter of Pinoy Laughter Yoga (PLY) in Philippines, recently used this new skill as p..

Seniors In Canada Crack Up With Laughter Yoga!

Residents of a senior care center in Charlottetown, Canada regularly take part in a weekly Laughter Yoga class, which helps them both mentally and physically. For the last couple of months, this new activity allows them to get together and laugh ..

UAE Appoints Minister Of State For Happiness!

In order to secure national happiness, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the prime minister, and ruler of Dubai and the vice president of the UAE recently appointed Ohood Al Roumi as the first ever minister of stat..

Laughter Yoga For Good Brain Health

According to recent statistics mental wellbeing in Canada is at an all-time low. It shows that one in five Canadians are affected or have family members who are affected by brain health and mental wellness issues. Under the existing circumstances..

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