Life Changing Experiences

Laura Gentry

Laura Gentry, USA: Unos días después de la cirugía de reemplazo de cadera de mi madre, le reportó a mi padre algunos síntomas inusuales y éste la llevó de inmediato a urgencias del..

Laughter Yoga improved my health

Anna Zakharova, Moscow: Two years after graduating from Moscow Aviation Institute in 2010, I was fortunate to get the most precious gift of Laughter Yoga from my friend. Called “Anju’s Yoga ..

Laughter Yoga Helped Me Quit Smoking

Tosha Tobias, Chile: I was a very heavy smoker (more than 30 cigarettes a day). Just before I traveled to the US to take my Laughter Yoga Leader & Teacher course with Dr. Kataria I had a very strong..

Laughter Yoga Helped Me Rediscover Myself

Eleonora Zuleta Patiño, Venezuela: Laughter Yoga came to me in response to my request to serve the world. I wanted to deliver something from me to others. Starting a Laughter Club and sharing unconditional laughter and joy..

Laughter Yoga Brings Back Laughter To Mankind

Bachan Singh, Malaysia: The style of introducing oneself during the certified Laughter Yoga training changed my entire perception regarding Laughter Yoga. It begins with ‘Tell your name and laugh, ha ha ha. Tell where you c..

I Found My Life’s Mission With Laughter Yoga

Saskia van Velzen, Netherlands: As a child I was very happy with lots of laughter and lots of friends, but unfortunately it did not last when I grew older. I studied finance and always worked in this field. But that didn’t ..

Laughter Yoga helped Me Cope With My Pain

Loretta Bert, Italy: Some days ago, I was running a laughter class in our club. My idea was to lead the class for the first minutes, because I needed to leave my club-mates, at a given time, in order to reach a bookshop for a Lau..

Laughter Yoga Taught Me To Love

Mary Stallings, Mexico: To me, life has been a series of events that I have labeled as either good or bad. I’ve carried these experiences around with me and have given them power to prevent me from doing certain things. I h..

Laughter Yoga Helped Me Reach Out

Robert Rivest, USA: My background is in the performing arts and I have been presenting comic health, literacy and stress management educational programs in schools, libraries and theaters for 28 years. I discovered Laughter Yoga ..

Why Laughter Yoga Chose Me

Carla BeDell, USA: I love to laugh. I always have. I married a man who loved to laugh as much as I did. For a while, everything was great. But just as what happens in most peoples lives, things became too serious. My husband and ..

Laughter Yoga For Balanced Life

Johanne Bouchard, Canada: I started the Laughter Club of La Prairie-Montérégie, QC, Canada five years ago. As a leader, I like laughing weekly with the members and interacting with them. I even practice laughing alo..

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