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Laughter Yoga Boosting Mexico's Joy

The laughter community started growing in Riviera Maya, Mexico during the swine flu emergency. Social gatherings were held to help people laugh and cope with life in the moment of crisis. People opened their hearts to Laughter Yoga sessions durin..

Keep A Happy Heart

A recently published article affirms that mental health is positively enhanced by laughter.

In fact, even anticipating laughter changes the biochemistry and provides a sense of well be..

Laughter Yoga - Feel Good Therapy

"We get bogged down in the stress of life and sometimes forget to laugh," says Diana Perez a certified laughter leader and self-proclaimed "jolliologist” and founder of Laughter Heart. In a recently publi..

Influenza Laughter

No body can steal our laughter swine flu or economic crisis.

This is lovely photo sent by Nathan who is a laughter yoga teacher from Mexico. Despite swine flu and they were not allowed..

Laughter Yoga: No laughing matter

With multiple and proven health benefits, Laughter Yoga is the most powerful exercise routine fast spreading to different parts of the world. A recently held laughter session at the Gold’s Gym, Manila, Phillipines highl..

Laughter Yoga - A Break For University Staff

As part of the worldwide growing trend of Laughter Yoga, it has been successfully introduced in the University of Alberta Hospital, Canada according to a recently published report in St. Albert Gazette. Pamela Brett-Mac..

First Laughter Yoga TV Show In India

SAB TV the most popular entertainment channel in India now presents a weekly show, ‘Laughter Yoga with Dr. Kataria’. Tune in on Sunday at 8 am IST to watch Dr. K and Madhuri conduct a laughter session complete with deep..

Laughter Yoga Training Videos

Train with the Master Dr. Madan Kataria – A must buy for all LY professionals

These training videos are an excellent resource for Laughter Yoga professionals to add to..

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