Life Changing Experiences

Laughter Yoga Was The Game-Changer In My Life

Lisa Pettersen, USA: I’m an alcoholic and an addict. I don’t know how many thousands of times I must have said that at different AA/NA meetings, over the years. Getting and staying sober was not an easy thing for me. ..

Laughter Improved My Breathing

Sheena Tan, Malaysia: As a little girl I could not participate in sports and games in school as I suffered from breathing difficulties and had to use the inhaler often. Even when I was doing housework, I’d get asthma attack..

Laughter Yoga Brought My Mother Closer To Me

Michi Morioka, Japan: Among the 5 new leaders I certified recently, one happened to be my mother which really meant a lot to me. Growing up, I didn’t have the best relationship with her, and that’s a part of the reaso..

My Tryst With Laughter Yoga

Jackie Curran, NSW-Australia: Like many lawyers I became slowly restless about my work. It was a niggling feeling that something within my work- life was not quite right. With my growing impatience I decided to learn new skills a..

Laughter Yoga Made Me More Compassionate

Maurine Pachter, South Africa: I heard about Laughter Yoga in a Yoga Class. My yoga instructor got me involved and, on my very first session I felt I could conquer the world! Ever since, I do not take life seriously. I have becom..

Laughter Yoga Changed my Life Style

Piotr Bielski, Poland: I was not always a funny, enertaining person. As a kid, I was rather a shy and solitary boy who preferred to read books or play computer games instead of having fun with other kids. I believed that nobody c..

How Laughter Yoga Saved My Marriage

Lauren Hunt, USA: Several years back things were not so great in my life and in my marriage. I wasn’t happy as two small children were stressing me out and I wasn’t getting time for myself. I felt isolated without muc..

Laughter Yoga Helps Cope With Grief & Sadness

Chico Kanan, Okinawa: I’m proud to tell you that my Laughter Yoga Club (CHIBARIYO! Laughter Yoga Club of Okinawa) now has three days a week sessions, and it has really changed quite a few people’s lives. In fact, rece..

What Laughter Yoga Means To Me

Caryl Derenfeld, California: Laughter Yoga has been a paradigm shifting experience for me. In December 2008 I embarked on becoming a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader thinking I could add this activity to my cache of programs for se..

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