Life Changing Experiences

Laughing to withstand every unexpected

Laura Toffolo, Italy: I like to tell you what happened to me recently. Also, I was invited to share my experience by Dr. Kataria. On September 15th, I was in Milan railway station (Porta Garibaldi), coming back from one of my tou..

Laughter Makes You Positive And Joyful

Cynthia Newsome, USA: For years, I knew about the importance of laughter and good health; but I have to admit that I had never heard of a laughter workout. Then, I met Maurine Pachter, a Laughter Yoga Instructor who invited me to..

My Personal LY Story

Thomas TOPOLANEK, Austria: For many years I am fascinated by the story of HOTEI – a Japanese God of happiness, based on a true story of a monk, who travelled from village to village and was just laughing, laughing, laughing..

Laughter Yoga Changed My Life & Mind

Kelsey Miller, USA: Some time back my boss sent me an article about the growing phenomenon of Laughter Yoga clubs, along with the simple directive: “You should do this.” It sounded great and as it turned out, it was. ..

Laughter Yoga Has Changed My Life!

Corinne Cosseron, France: My husband Fred and I live a life of Parisian bobos. While he is a lawyer, I am a journalist and our two little boys, Armand and Orel go to Kindergarten. In the year 2000 we hit our 40s and decided to go..

Skype Laughter Club Changed My Life

Maria Manninen, Finland: At the end of last year my life was so tough that I spent lots of time crying alone at home. I had read about Skype Laughter Club in one Finnish magazine of well-being earlier that year and really felt th..

Laughter Story of Dr. Annelie Gareis

Dr. Annelie Gareis, Ecuador: When I was a small child I had a dream which I never will forget. I dreamed that I stood hand in hand with my mother in an amazing blue cave, which was sparkling all over. Off in the distance I saw a ..

No Sleeping Pills With Laughter Yoga!

Erika Ruiz, USA: A recreational specialist for seniors at an adult day care center in Miami, Florida, my job entails planning and implementing activities for senior citizens—those with and without memory impairment. Always ..

Laughter Yoga And Me

Peter Schupp, Australia: I was introduced to Laughter Yoga in a park by the Indian Ocean in Fremantle Western Australia by Laughter Yogini Kate Lee. I was not hooked straight away but it was only later when my partner organized a..

Laughter Helped Me Deal With Cancer

Mandy Riches, UK: I had just been diagnosed with cancer for the third time (Hodgkin’s lymphoma twice in the 1990s and breast cancer in 2011) but little did I know that later that evening, I would be sitting on the sofa gigg..

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