Life Changing Experiences

Laughter Helped Me Cope With Cancer

Manal al-Attar, CLYT : When I first heard about Laughter Yoga, I decided to attend a session, where I learned about its several health benefits. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with cancer, which came as a big shock. But, it was r..

My Laughter improved immune system

Ranga: My childhood memories are a mosaic of play, song, storytelling and adventure. I was brought up in Kerala, India, in a joyful and affectionate family. As I grew up, I became adept at making friends and blending in with diff..

My Laughter Story Donna Bernstein

Donna Bernstein – New York: I am a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher in addition to being a certified dietetic-nutritionist with 35 years of professional experience. For the last 20 years, I have had the privilege of working ..

A More Sensible Life With Laughter Yoga

Slash Coleman, CLYT: Before discovering Laughter Yoga, I’d been writing and performing my off-beat storytelling shows in books, on stages, and on TV for over a decade and experimenting with how to create the right condition..

Laughter Helped Me Cope With Loss And Depression

Ariane: The first time I discovered Laughter Yoga / Laughter Exercise was in a vacation camp as an activity I selected because I enjoy laughter, comedy and jokes. As one of the many exercises, we were requested to laugh about a p..

Laughter Yoga Helped Me Bring Joy To Others

Alessandra, Italy: Today, Laughter Yoga is helping me to live my dreams, without too many worries. My dream was to make people laugh and make them feel better by identifying positivity and talking to them and saying that “l..

My Personal Experience with Laughter Yoga

Brittany Marie, USA: All of 24, I have a list of health conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Chronic Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I h..

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