Lalla Laura Ribaldone: Since 2013 my life had almost collapsed due to my husband’s illness and a subsequent divorce. I faced accusations of leaving him because of his sickness and many known people hurt my soul, which led me to self- destruction. I needed a caretaker in the house because I’m deaf and was living all by myself.
Having no parents anymore or close relations to rely upon, I cried every day and every night. I even contemplated taking up some job, but being deaf deterred me from doing so. I felt I was a burden to society and no longer wanted to live. Then in May 2016, I came across Laughter Yoga, which led me to joining a Laughter Club. Initially, I was not very convinced, but I continued to attend it. Gradually, I started feeling better and felt some small inner changes. I realized that I was not crying anymore; on the contrary, I found myself laughing, and this was my salvation!
Highly inspired, I decided to become a leader, not to do sessions or open clubs, but just to understand myself. The course helped me rediscover the emotions lost for years and I learnt to love myself. In short, Laughter Yoga has risen me a lot and has taught me to review my problems with another perspective – positively. Though I still have some discomfort in the evening when I come home and find no one to welcome me with open arms; I am beginning to deal with these situations in a much better manner.
I breathe and expiate with a beautiful laugh and I have to thank all my laughter teachers who have helped me to achieve this sate of happiness. Compared to some time ago, today I am a much better person, I live much better and now have many good friends. I feel in peace with myself and am happy to confess that Laughter Yoga has allowed me to face my fears, mostly related to my deafness. I am more self-confident and am ready to take on any of life’s challenges with a smile.