Life Changing Experiences

Laughter Yoga Reduced My Knee Pain

Neeta Fadia, India: I had heard about Laughter Clubs and the benefits people were getting by practicing Laughter Yoga. Since the last 10 years, I have been suffering from Advanced Osteoarthritis of the knee joints, which has seve..

Laughter Yoga Transformed My Life

Fran Joseph, USA: I was certified as a Laughter Yoga Leader in 2008 and as a Teacher in 2009. It really hasn’t been that long and yet, because Laughter Yoga feels so right, time has been rendered meaningless. It has become ..

Laughter Yoga Brought Back Laughter In My Life

Maya Balenz, Sebastopol, California: I first saw your “Laughing Clubs of India” documentary on January 15, 2008. I had always loved to laugh, but your idea of laughing for no reason was completely new to me. I instant..

Laughter Yoga – Great Pain Killer

Sue Ansari, USA: For several days I had been suffering with acute pain in my ribs, till last week when the reason for the pain was diagnosed as shingles. This was a first for me, but I had seen shingles in many of my residents, a..

More Relaxed More Happy With Laughter Yoga

Reema Hiranandani, Mumbai: I’m a member of the original laughter club at Lokhandwala Complex started by Dr. Kataria in 1995. All these years I have been going to the club, but, it was only a few days ago my husband visited ..

Laughter Yoga Uplifts My Mood

Kylie Willows, Sydney: I first heard about Laughter Yoga at a Yoga Expo in Sydney a couple of years ago. It was the final day of a 3 day conference and I was exhausted from participating in many practical workshops.

I w..

Laughter Yoga Helped Me Heal And Find Inner Joy

Melanie Rudolph, USA: My mother took her own life when I was just eight years old. This was very traumatic. I don’t remember laughing much as a child and later made decisions in my teenage years that was not always in my be..

Laughter Yoga Transformed Me

Susie, Australia: I’ve always laughed a lot in the USA, but after moving to Japan, I began to feel I didn’t have enough laughter in my life. Whenever I got together with American friends in Japan, all of us would say ..

Positive Attitude with Laughter Yoga

Ramgopal, India: In the year 1995, Ramgopal moved to Mumbai, where the First Laughter Club was born. For the first couple of years, Ramgopal continued with his early morning walk as his routine activity. This routine gave him fre..

Where had my own laughter gone?

Linda Leclerc, Quebec: I was always described as someone with a sense of humour. Many times in my life, I was able to get people to laugh instead of getting upset or angry. It helped me diffuse difficult situations. Little that I..

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