Lawyers Practice Laughter Yoga
Date: January 01, 2018

A recent video shows lawyers from Herbert Smith Freehills, an international law firm, enjoying a Laughter Yoga session at their Dubai office. They willingly embraced the unusual class and had a great time laughing like never before.  All partners and staff learnt more about the practice of Laughter Yoga, which improves mindfulness and mental well-being.

Lawyers generally face a lot of work stress and pressure as they pour over their cases for long hours. It sometimes takes months and years to close a case, which at times can lead to physical, mental and emotional stress. Laughter Yoga is one single exercise routine that reduces all these tensions simultaneously and generates a positive mental state. Incorporating a 20 minute laughter session in their daily routine can help lawyers cope with their pressure and keep them healthy, happy and energized throughout the day.

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