Dr Madan Kataria : I was invited to visit a special Laughter Yoga session in Bangalore. This was not a routine laughter session but was specially organised by Dr Sriram Shetty, an eye specialist who is also a leader of Unity Laughter Club Bangalore.
They registered 81 laughter club members from Bangalore city and their blood sample was collected for fasting blood sugar and cholesterol. Also they took their blood pressure as well as an electro cardiogram. After that they were given breakfast and asked me to conduct 40 minutes of laughter yoga session which ended with relaxation for 10 minutes. After the session they again took the same tests. The monitoring was organised by team of doctors and para medical staff from the local hospital in Bangalore. This was not a typical research study but monitoring health parameters just to get some indicators to know what is the impact of laughter yoga exercises on health. We are still awaiting the final reports and will keep you posted.
Thanks to Dr Sriram Shetty who runs a Laughter Yoga research institute and is doing free of cost in the public interest.
Please have a look at the photos of this session: