Laughter Yoga Is Cathartic - Defuses Painful Emotions


People afflicted by frequent anxiety and panic attacks are burdened with loads of negative emotions generated from their past which get conditioned as memory. Laughter Yoga is a physical method of releasing pent up feelings and suppressed emotions by accentuating diaphragmatic movement and changing the breathing pattern.

With laughter exercises and deep breathing one can let go of all disturbing emotions embedded in the sub conscious mind. Extended and hearty laughter provides a painful and non violent way to release fear and anxiety and improves mental health. Laughter promotes the release of pent up emotions though the painless and harmless catharsis mechanism.

To develop the ability to laugh joyfully once again, adults must remove layers of inhibition, programming and mental roadblocks created by self, family, and society. Beneath these barriers lies an infinite ability to laugh.

Teaching an inhibited person to develop the ability to laugh is like clearing a drain blocked with rocks and rubble. Once the rubble is removed, laughter will flow naturally again.

Laughter Yoga facilitates this cleaning process. As years of programming are cleared, the natural joyful laughter inside us is released and begins to flow.

Laughter Yoga techniques are effective even for people who have lost their laughter or have absolutely no sense of humor. People often tell us, “I am depressed, I cannot laugh”, or “I don’t feel like laughing”. We say, “That doesn’t matter. Just bring us your willing body and we will make you laugh.”

By enhancing free flow of emotions, laughter can dislodge blocked emotions stored in the body. Suppressed or blocked emotions can cause ongoing physical, mental and emotional problems. Their release can be life changing. Laughter provides an excellent non-violent method for emotional release and catharsis.

Laughter makes us feel good because it defuse painful emotions like fear, anger and boredom by releasing them. This release can prevent or stop conflicts, ease tension and help us to see and understand others people’s point of view.