Venue : Zoom
Address : Salem, Oregon, United States
Email : lynn@laughinginsalem.com
Contact : None
Laughing in Salem
Welcome to Laughing in Salem, where we are teaching people of all ages to laugh unconditionally, without relying on jokes, humor or comedy! A goal of Laughter Yoga is to connect people with one another at the heart level, without judgment, in a safe environment. We laugh together to promote health, happiness, and world peace!
Laughter Yoga is powerful technique: safe, easy and a lot of fun! No special equipment is needed, and you can practice Laughter Yoga sitting or standing.
Join Heidi Rose, Lynn and Sophie on Zoom every 4th Thursday (no class in June) for an online class beginning at 7 pm PDT.
Use link:
Meeting ID: 882 6958 7548
Passcode: 8RQDEK
Please visit us at https://www.laughinginsalem.com/ for more info, or email hahaha@laughinginsalem.com