What An Impact Laughter Yoga Had On My Life!

Madan Kataria

Maurine Pachter: I had no idea what an impact Laughter Yoga has been on my life. In 2009, I was introduced to this amazing exercise and its founder Dr Madan Kataria, through my yoga instructor. As I work with children on a daily basis, I felt it was important to learn more about this unique concept. So, a year later, I received my certification through Dr. Kataria's classes, which encouraged me to spread the word of laughter.

I never dreamt that Laughter yoga would change my life forever. It not only benefited the children but also helped me in several ways. I suffer from osteoporosis and degenerative arthritis, which has severely affected my mobility and led to a constant lower back pain. I cannot run, walk or laugh without discomfort. It is even hard to stand or sit for any length of time. But Laughter yoga helped me to distract from the pain, which greatly eased my daily functionality. In fact, now I hardly have any medication!

Laughter yoga is a great exercise that increases endorphins, which instantly change the mood state and make one feel happy and positive. The improvements that it made to my physical and mental health encouraged me to study it further and help children as well as adults to understand the magic of laughter and how it can benefit almost every aspect of their lives. Over 100 people come to my laughter club, which is marvellous! I not only do it with the children but also laugh with the staff at Planet Fitness. It is easy, exciting and the best exercise ever for providing happiness, good health and overall wellbeing.