Sukumar Satpathy

Edna Granot, Australia: I am a happy and positive individual who treats people for colonic irrigations and guides them about general aspects of life as well as health and emotional issues. In 2009, I attended Dr. Kataria’s Laughter & Silence Yoga conference for 5 days in Melbourne, which helped me to resolve some important issues in my personal life.

The first was my hatred towards the man who sexually abused me when I was 10 years old. For the first time in 27, years after he died, I was able to forgive him and wish him well through the feeling of love. I even learnt how to give what we can, without expecting much in return. For example, I donated a kidney to my son two years ago but was very upset when on his birthday; he thanked everyone for being there, but did not thank me for donating my kidney. It was Dr. K who guided me through silence to find how my son was very grateful to me in different ways.I feel that after the Laughter & Silence retreat, I am a much more complete person. I take life more lightly, I laugh most of the time, and make my family, friends and clients laugh more.