Nan Ho Yoon, South Korea: Four years ago when my husband retired, he started feeling lonely and gradually became more strict and stubborn. There was hardly any laughter in my life. It was at this point both of us felt we needed some change. One day while watching television, I came across Laughter Yoga which looked very different from the rest of the health exercises. I further searched the net for more information and realized it was a great way to keep healthy and happy. It was then I decided to learn how to laugh on purpose in order maintain a complete body mind wellness.
Not being the one for humor or jokes, I found Laughter Yoga was just the thing for me as it does not require any of this. But, it was not easy to go on by myself. For a long time I wanted to find a leader, but there is no one in my city. In time, I had a chance to make my dream come true. My husband travelled to India where I met Dr. Kataria and trained under him. I learned a lot about Laughter Yoga and was very happy after the first day’s session. I wrote in my diary, “I am sure I can do Laughter Yoga and be happier from now on.”
Soon after, my husband also began to show some interest in Laughter Yoga. In fact, he began to laugh a lot more than before and has really changed his attitude towards life and people. As for myself, I am sure I will live the rest of my life energetically and happily with Laughter Yoga.