Carolyn Shannon
Carolyn Shannon
Certified Leader

My Profile

Carolyn Shannon of Venting Creatively A hairstylist, then high school teacher of a customer service subject for many years, I had to find ways to cope with stress, and to help my students handle lifeäó»s daily trials in more positive ways. Further development of these techniques for first myself, then others led to Art from the Heart Adventures workshops in 1997, followed by my first book of the same title. Since then I have authored 3 more books äó_ a childrenäó»s version of Art from the Heart Adventures titled What Really REALLY Bugs Meäó_ Sometimes, The LIGHTer Side of Venting and äóìDRAWINGäó The Law of Attraction into YOUR Life.?æ I have also created hands-on workshops on the themes of ALL 4 books. 2 New additions are Removing YOUR Walls of Lack & Delay and Colouring Away YOUR Pain My mission is to encourage self-discovery and empowerment by helping others see that it is never too early or too late to look at their lives from a äóìdifferent, more empoweredäó view. In May 2010 I became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, trained by Marja Pirie of Burlington and have been laughing ever since. I focus on FUN Seated Laughter Sessions for ALL including?æSeniors?æthroughout the Niagara Region