My Laughter Yoga Visit to India


Jorge from Mexico: After 24 hours of traveling through half of the planet, my first whole day in India started yesterday morning with Laughter Yoga at two different Clubs in Bangalore, also known as "the Garden City" for its numerous, beautiful parks. To this day, there are exactly 187 Laughter Yoga Clubs in Bangalore, making it the city with more Laughter Yoga Clubs in India and the whole wide world. No wonder this place was chosen by my teacher Dr. Madan Kataria, Founder of Laughter Yoga, to build the first Laughter Yoga University. I look forward to visiting the land in which it will be built, and soon begin to offer Laughter Yoga trainings, conduct scientific research on laughter (plus other positive practices), and host students and visitors from all around the world.

It is Wednesday, December 2nd, here in Bangalore and there are three more days left to go for the 11th Annual Laughter Yoga Indian Conference. My visit has only just begun, and I already have had wonderful experiences. One of the highlights of my trip has been to witness with my own eyes the deep, positive, caring relationships built from practicing Laughter Yoga at daily, free of charge, social Laughter Clubs. I will always carry in my heart the look on this man's face while being celebrated for his birthday by his Laughter Yoga community. Talking about a picture is worth a thousand words, the eyes of this man tell it all.

I want to write about my experience in the Laughter Yoga Clubs in India which I visited yesterdayDr Kataria and I got up at 6.30 AM in the morning and rushed to Lalbagh Laughter Club and laughed with a wonderful group of about 25 men. Immediately after the session, we rushed to another Laughter Club which was happening in the close by park known as Unity Laughter Club. There were more than 50 men and women waiting for us to laugh. At the end of the session they celebrated the birthday of a young man of 80, Mr. Ramaswamy who is a retired Engineer. When people were singing for him, he was in tears. This was very moving experience for him. After the Laughter session everybody was invited to have breakfast in the close by restaurant. We had Yummy and spicy South Indian breakfast. Ha ha ha. We hardly spent half an hour with the Laughter group, and yet it seemed as if we had known them for ages. I am looking forward to visiting more Clubs, especially all the Ladies Club in the evening, and the upcoming All India Laughter Yoga Conference, starting on December 4th. I will keep you posted. Keep laughing.

I love being here !
Peace, health and joy,